From Design To Deployment
Successful digital transformation requires the right mix of careful planning, practical experience and proven methodologies. Otherwise, you could hit unforeseen obstacles like disruptions, project delays or blown budgets. Our team is skilled at helping you avoid these costly mistakes and think beyond your immediate needs. Not only can we help you get the technical details right in the design and deployment of your network, we can also ensure you implement smart, scalable solutions that adapt as you adapt to your ever-changing business needs.
Design and planning
After making a thorough assessment of your needs, Aercor’s wireless engineers work closely with your IT department to plan and design a network that meets or exceeds all requirements necessary before installing a single access point.
wireless assurance
Once your ideal system is designed and simulated, it will be implemented using assurance technology that identifies ideal access point locations. After deployment, we conduct further surveys to ensure your wireless and mobile solution is what was envisioned and expected.
Delivering wireless networks and mobility solutions
Whether you need to enhance your voice, video or data communication tools, our goal is the same: to provide you with scalable, cost-effective solutions that minimize headaches and maximize your return on investment. We’re able to deliver on that promise, thanks to our vendor-neutral approach and longstanding relationships with the industry’s premier partners.
To see how we can improve your wireless environment and keep you and your team constantly connected, call 651-209-7690 or 888-315-7925 (toll free) or click here to contact us today.